
Video: Identification Tips for Fine Fescues

By Aaron Patton and Ross Braun, Purdue University

Video screen with Identification Tips for Fine Fescues title

These five fescues are often grouped together and called “fine fescues” because of their similar appearance of fine (narrow or bristle) leaves, which means they are difficult to distinguish from one another visually.

Fine fescue forensics

horizontal growth of fine fescue rhizome

By Eric Watkins and Yinjie Qiu, University of Minnesota

Fine fescue research has progressed rapidly in recent years, spurred by greater interest in low-input turf and the availability of funding for improving these grasses. While giving talks to various groups about lawn grasses for Minnesota, we often follow the introduction of fine fescues with a refrain similar to “they all look very similar”: translation “don’t ask me how to tell the fine fescues apart!”.