Previous Publications


Grimshaw, A.L., Y. Qu, W.A. Meyer, E. Watkins, and S.A. Bonos.  2018.  Heritability of Simulated Wearand Traffic Tolerance in Three Fine Fescue Species. HortScience. 53(4):416–420. 2018.

Xu, Y., J. Wang, S.A. Bonos, W.A. Meyer, and B. Huang.  2018.  Candidate Genes and Molecular Markers Correlated to Physiological Traits for Heat Tolerance in Fine Fescue Cultivars. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19(1), 116; doi:10.3390/ijms19010116.

Wang, J., B. Yuan, Y. Xu, and B. Huang.  2018.  Differential Responses of Amino Acids and Soluble Proteins to Heat Stress Associated with Genetic Variations in Heat Tolerance for Hard Fescue. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 143(1):45–55.


Wang, J., P. Burgess, S.A. Bonos, W.A. Meyer, and B. Huang.  2017.  Differential Physiological Responses and Genetic Variations in Fine Fescue Species for Heat and Drought Stress.  J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 142(5):367–375. doi: 10.21273/JASHS04121-17.

Yue, C., J. Wang, E. Watkins, S.A. Bonos, K.C. Nelson, J.A. Murphy, W.A. Meyer, and B.P. Horgan.  2017.  An Investigation of Trait Prioritization in Turfgrass Breeding Programs. HortScience.  52(11):1544-1549.

Barnes, M.R., K.C. Nelson, A.J. Meyer, E. Watkins, S.A. Bonos, B.P. Horgan, W.A. Meyer, J. Murphy, and C. Yue.  2017.  Public land managers and sustainable urban vegetation: the case of low-input turfgrasses. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening.

Reiter, M., J. Friell, B. Horgan, D. Soldat, and E. Watkins.  2017.  Drought response of fine fescue mixtures maintained as a golf course fairway.  International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 13:65-74.  doi:10.2134/itsrj2016.06.0460.

Yue, C., J. Wang, E. Watkins, S. Bonos, K. Nelson, J.A. Murphy, W. Meyer and B. Horgan.  2017.  Consumer preferences for information sources of turfgrass products and lawn care.  Agronomy Journal 109:1726-1733.  doi:10.2134/agronj2016.05.0310.


Hugie, K.L. and E. Watkins. 2016. Performance of low-input turfgrass species as affected by mowing and nitrogen fertilization in Minnesota. HortScience 51:1278-1286.

Yue, C., J. Wang, E. Watkins, S. Bonos, K. Nelson, J. Murphy, W. Meyer, and B. Horgan. 2016. Heterogeneous consumer preferences for turfgrass attributes in the United States and Canada. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. doi:10.1111/cjag.12128


Watkins, E., D.S. Gardner, J.C. Stier, D.J. Soldat, R.A. St. John, N.E. Christians, A.D. Hathaway, K.L. Diesburg, S.R. Poppe, R.E. Gaussoin. 2014. Cultivar performance of low-input turfgrass species for the North Central United States. Applied Turfgrass Science: doi:10.2134/ATS-2013-0101-RS.


Miller, D., R. Mugaas, M. Meyer, and E. Watkins. 2013.  Performance of low-maintenance turfgrass mixtures and blends. HortTechnology 23:610-612.

Dahmus, Maria E. and Kristen C. Nelson. 2013. Yard stories: examining residents’ conceptions of their yards as part of the urban ecosystem in Minnesota. Urban Ecosystems. Published online 27 March 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-013-0306-3.

Martini, N.F., K.C. Nelson, S.E. Hobbie, and L.C. Baker. 2013. Why “Feed the Lawn”? Exploring the influence of residential turf grass fertilization in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Area. Environment & Behavior, DOI 10.1177/0013916513492418.


Fissore, C., S. E. Hobbie, J. Y. King, J. P. McFadden, K. C. Nelson, and L. A. Baker. 2012. and L. A. Baker. 2012. The residential landscape: fluxes of elements and the role of household decisions. Urban Ecosystems 15 (1): 1-18.

Hugie, K., C. Yue, and E. Watkins. 2012. Consumer preferences for low-input turfgrasses: A conjoint analysis. HortScience 47:1096-1101.

Yue, C., K. Hugie and E. Watkins.  2012. Are consumers willing to pay more for low-input turfgrasses on residential lawns? Evidence from choice experiments.  Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 44:549-560.


 Watkins, E, S. Fei, D. Gardner, J. Stier, S. Bughrara, D. Li, C. Bigelow, L. Schliecher, B. Horgan and K. Diesburg. 2011. Low-input turfgrass species for the north central United States. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.1094/ATS-2011-0126-02-RS


Watkins, E., A.B. Hollman and B.P. Horgan.  2010.  Evaluation of alternative turfgrass species for low-input golf course fairways.  HortScience  45(1):113-118